andrew burke





My winning Toastmasters International Speech Competition talk

Posted on: 2019-08-06

Over the last few years, I've been taking part in weekly meetings with Provincially Speaking Toastmasters and this year I decided to enter the International Speech Competition. I managed to surprise myself by winning the club level competition, then the division level, then the area level as well - and finally made it all the way to the District 45 competition, where I managed to win third place against competitors from Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and PEI. The two other winners had been performing professionally for years and this was my first time, so I think I did pretty well.

It was a great learning experience to really work on polishing every word and beat of a seven minute presentation, but as an added bonus I finally got a good recording of one of my talks, with proper audio and everything. You can watch it here:

If the embed doesn't work, you can download it directly.

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